What is Financial Abuse?
By Amanda Kippert When we think about domestic violence and abuse, we don’t often think about how money plays into...
By Amanda Kippert When we think about domestic violence and abuse, we don’t often think about how money plays into...
By Amanda Kippert We teach our children from a young age to be kind to one another. Hitting is never...
By Shelley Flannery Coercive control refers to any pattern of behavior an abuser uses to dominate their partner and limit...
By Lisa Aronson Fontes Ph.D., Coauthored with Pamela J. Miller, JD., MSW. Coercive control and the severe abuse professionals refer...
CJE is a nonprofit organization based in San Rafael, California. Our mission is to protect child abuse and domestic violence...
By Shelley Flannery When healthy relationships end, there may be sadness, anger, guilt or regret, but eventually, both parties move...
By Amanda Kippert Domestic violence and abuse are insidious crimes, meaning that abusers often sneak up on their victims. As...
By Stephanie Thurrott Mutual abuse—a term to describe two partners are mutually abusive against each other—is rare and seldom exists...
By Lisa Aronson Fontes, PhD Isolation. Threats. Humiliation. Sometimes even physical abuse. These are the weapons of coercive control, a...
By Amanda Kippert Bullying should never be a rite of passage in anyone’s childhood. Once looked at as just “kids...