What is Financial Abuse?
By Amanda Kippert When we think about domestic violence and abuse, we don’t often think about how money plays into...

Not to People Like Us
By CarolAnn Peterson, PhD Everyone has ideas about the rich and famous: They live a life of luxury, they have no...

I Know Someone Who’s Being Abused, What Should I Do?
By domesticshelters.org When you think a friend is being abused, or they confide in you that abuse is occurring, what...

Don’t Get Tricked into Dropping the Charges for DV
By Shelley Flannery Whether out of fear, courage or desperation, you’ve finally decided to call the police on an abuser....

Teaching Teens About Dating Violence
By Amanda Kippert We teach our children from a young age to be kind to one another. Hitting is never...

Am I Being Abused?
By Shelley Flannery Coercive control refers to any pattern of behavior an abuser uses to dominate their partner and limit...

What Is Cyberstalking?
By domesticshelters.org Cyberstalking is the misuse of technology to harass, stalk or threaten an individual. We’ve prepared a toolkit to...

Psychology Today: Understanding Coercive Control
By Lisa Aronson Fontes Ph.D., Coauthored with Pamela J. Miller, JD., MSW. Coercive control and the severe abuse professionals refer...